2016 | Online Training |
RiverSurveyor 4.0: The new standard in collecting acoustic stationary and moving boat discharge data |
Featuring case study and data examples provided by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and Environment Canada (EC)
[Register] You might have heard about some of the big upgrades to the powerful, multi-frequency RiverSurveyor-M9, but we don’t want you to take our word for it – the proof is in the data – and we want to share examples on how RiverSurveyor 4.0 has dramatically simplified the data collection process for hydrologists and water monitoring specialists like you!
JOIN SonTek Product Manager/Application Engineer Isaac Jones and Senior Hydrologist, Daniel Wagenaar 8:00 am PST, Tuesday, February 7th, as they highlight how RiverSurveyor 4.0 has improved work-flow processes for water monitoring agencies, such as the USBR and EC. They will also go over new features to include:
- No tagline/tape measure required: More accurate data, at more sites with less fuss!
- Manual configuration: Do you need data for more than just discharge? Now you collect the data you want the way you want.
- Real-time QA/QC warnings: leave your site with confidence that you have good data every time!
- Zipped files: New and improved compression and auto-decompression, providing faster access to large amounts of data.
- Sample filter: Remove your random velocity outliers with ease, without ever altering your raw collected data.
Participation is free, however registration is limited. We understand this live event is not time-zone friendly for all communities served, so we encourage you to register to receive a link to the recorded event if you are unable to attend the live presentation.