• Agrometeorology (evapo-transpiration)
• Climatology (global energy balance)
• Highway Safety (road surface temperature)
• Material Testing (insulation efficiency & material degradation)
In conjunction with short-wave albedo estimates and surface temperature, the RA01 is also suitable for net radiation estimation; the advantage of this approach is reduced instrument cost compared to higher cost four-component net radiometer models. The design of the RA01 incorporates one ISO Second Class pyranometer and one FIR pyrgeometer, for measuring either incoming global short-wave solar and down-welling FIR long-wave radiation, or surface reflected short-wave solar and up-welling FIR long-wave radiation if mounted in the downward/inverted orientation. Employing entirely passive thermopile-based sensing technology, the RA01 generates two low level DC millivolt output signals proportional to the incoming, or outgoing, short-wave solar and FIR long-wave radiative flux.
RA01 Specifications
Signal range (SR01) Pyranometers: 0 to 2000 W/m2
Signal range (IR01) Pyrgeometers: ± 250 W/m2 (net signal)
Response time (95%): 18 sec.
Non-linearity (to 1000 W/m2): ± 2.5%
Non stability (drift): < 1% per year
Operating temperature: -40 to +80° C
Temperature dependence: < ± 0.1%/°C
Temperature sensor: PT100 (w/ optional temp. sensor ports)
Cable length: 5 meter standard (longer lengths optional)
SR01 Pyranometer
ISO classification: Second Class
Spectral range: 305 to 2800 nm
Calibration traceability: WRR (World Radiometric Reference)
IR01 Pyranometer
Spectral range: 4,500 to 50,000 nm
Window heating offset: < 15 W/m2 (1000 W/m2 solar loading)
A PT100 RTD temperature sensor is integrated into the radiometer housing for accurate calculation of the sky and surface temperatures. The RA01 also incorporates an integrated heating element which can be cycled on for dew and frost deposition prevention (for improved LW measurement accuracy under adverse climate conditions). The RA01 signal cables can be easily installed and replaced by the user.
Ordering Information
RA01 2 Component Radiometer