RC01 RADCON Heat Flux Sensor

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The RC01 consists of two heat flux detectors: a gold plated low emissivity detector (sensitive to convective transfer effects only), and a second black coated detector (sensitive to both radiative and convective transfer effects). A type ‘K’ thermocouple is embedded within the sensor below the detector surfaces. Additional heat-sink options are available for the RC01 (nickel heat-sink is typical, RC01-M option).

• Drying kilns, baking ovens
• Continuous belt dryers

The RC01-M optioned model is supplied standard with an external temperature sensor for ambient air temperature measurement. By measuring the heat fluxes, sensor temperature, and surrounding ambient air temperature, local heat transfer coefficients can be determined.

Heat flux measurement: 1 black-body detector 1 gold (reflective) detector
Temperature measurement: type K thermocouple
Sensitivity: 3 μV/W/m2
Expected accuracy: within ± 10 %
Temperature sensor: type K thermocouple
Response time: 0.5 s (1/e)
Temperature range: 0 – 250° C
Heat flux range: heat-sink temp dependent
(10 kW/m2 typical)
CE certification: RC01 is CE certified

Alternative designs: Hukseflux specializes in heat flux sensor design and can offer sensors of modified dimension and specification (e.g. custom RC01 model with water cooling).

Ordering Information
RC01 Radcon with Nickel Block Radiation-convection heat flux sensor
RC01-co Cooling block for RC01
RC01 Radcon primary sensor
Spare thermocouple for RC01

Weight 5 kg
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