YSI 9300-9500 Reagents for Water Quality Tests

YSI 9300 & 9500 Reagents for Water Quality Tests and Calibrations

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YSI 9300 and 9500 Reagents for Water Quality Tests and Calibrations

In test procedures, the direct-reading photometer is used to measure the color which is produced when chemical reagents are reacted with the sample. In these tests, the color intensity produced is proportional to the concentration of the parameter under test.

The photometer is pre-programmed with calibrations for each test parameter. Different test procedures are carried out at different wavelengths to optimise the sensitivity of each test. The required wavelength is selected automatically by the instrument.

Ordering Information:

Instrument Accessories
YPT190 Carrying Case 9000
YPT194 Carrying Case 9100
YPT195Carrying Case 9100D
YPT285 Cases for 9300
YPT286 Cases for 9500
YPT269 Photometer 9100 Power pack, 1 ea.
YPT262 Photometer 9100, Adaptor/Battery Charger, 1 ea.
YPT261 Photometer 9100, NiCad Battery Unit, 1 ea.
YPT279 Photometer Computer Cable, 1ea.
YPT277 Photometer Printer Cable, 1 ea.
YPT266 Printer 9100 Thermal Print Paper, 1 ea.
YPT276 Printer 9100, 1 ea.
YPT278 Software, 9100
YPT283 USB Power Supply Unit for Photometry
YPT284 USB Waterproof Computer/PSU

Photometry Accessories
Photometry Reagent Starter Kits (Includes reagents, instructions and accessories for 50 tests) YPT370 20 ml Syringe Luer, 1 ea.
YPM188 Alkalinity, Total
YPM250 Alkalinity-Methol orange
YPM251 Alkalinity-Phenolphthalein
YPM166 Aluminum
YPM152 Ammonia
YAT1707 Ammonia Conditioning Reagent, 50 tests
YPM060 Bromine
YPM252 Calcium Hardness
YPM268 Chloride
YPM011 Chlorine DPD-Free
YPM031 Chlorine DPD-Free, Combined and Total
YPM021 Chlorine DPD-Free, Monochloramine & Dichloramine
YPM162 Chlorine HR
YPM281 Chromium, hexavalent
YAT283 Chromium, trivalent and total, supplement to YPM281
YPT804 Color Standard Kit
YPM186 Copper
YPT502 Crush/Stir Rod, 10 ea.
YPM087 Cyanuric Acid
YPT500 DE-ION Pack, up to 5 liters, 1 ea.
YPT512 Dilution Tube, 1 ea.
YPT606 Filter Holder Luer, 1 ea.
YPT600 Filtration Set Luer/GFB, 1 ea.
YPM179 Fluoride
YPT603 GFB filters, 50 ea.
YPM254 Hardness
YPM103 Hydrazine
YPM105 Hydrogen Peroxide HR
YPM104 Hydrogen Peroxide LR
YPM156 Iron HR
YPM155 Iron LR
YPM193 Magnesium
YPM173 Manganese
YPM175 Molybdate HR
YPM258 Molybdate LR
YPM284 Nickel
YPM163 Nitrate
YPT508 Nitrate Tube, 1 ea.
YPM109 Nitrite-N
YPM260 Nitrite-NaNO2
YPM262 Organophosphonate
YPM056 Ozone
YPM130 pH (Phenol Red)
YPM287 Phenols
YPM114 Phosphate HR
YPM177 Phosphate LR
YPT230 Photometer Color Standards – 1 color std., 1 blank
YPT671 Plastic Tweezers
YPM189 Potassium
YPT595 Round Test Tube with Cap, 5 ea.

YPT510 Sample Container, 100 ml, 1 ea.
YPM181 Silica
YPM154 Sulfate
YPM168 Sulfide
YPM266 Sulfite
YPT361 Syringe, 1ml, 1 ea.
YPT663 Test Tube Brush, 1 ea.
YPT501 Test Tube Rack
YPM269 Turbidity (Includes Color)
YPM148 Zinc

Photometry Replacement Reagents (250 tests per pack, except as noted)
YAP188 Alkalinity, Total
YAP250 Alkalinity-Methol orange
YAP251 Alkalinity-Phenolphthalein
YAP166 Aluminum
YAP152 Ammonia
YAP060 Bromine
YAP252 Calcium Hardness
YAP268 Chloride
YAP011 Chlorine DPD-Free
YAP031 Chlorine DPD-Free, Combined and Total
YAP021 Chlorine DPD-Free, Monochloramine & Dichloramine
YAP162 Chlorine HR
YAP281 Chromium, hexavalent
YAP186 Copper
YAP087 Cyanuric Acid
YAP179 Fluoride, 200 tests per pack
YAP254 Hardness
YAP103 Hydrazine
YAP105 Hydrogen Peroxide HR
YAP104 Hydrogen Peroxide LR
YAP156 Iron HR
YAP155 Iron LR
YAP193 Magnesium
YAP173 Manganese
YAP175 Molybdate HR
YAP258 Molybdate LR
YAP284 Nickel
YAP163 Nitrate, 200 test per pack
YAP109 Nitrite-N
YAP260 Nitrite-NaNO2
YAP262 Organophosphonate
YAP056 Ozone
YAP130 pH (Phenol Red)
YAP287 Phenols
YAP114 Phosphate HR
YAP177 Phosphate LR, 200 tests per pack
YAP189 Potassium
YAP181 Silica, 200 tests per pack
YAP154 Sulfate
YAP168 Sulfide, 200 tests per pack
YAP266 Sulfite
YAP148 Zinc

Weight 5 kg
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