Maintenance-free SAC and UVT measurement

With the sensor UV 700 IQ SAC the spectral absorption coefficient (SAC) at 254 nm can be determined according to DIN 38404 C3. Turbidity influences are compensated by reference measurements at 550 nm.

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SKU: WTW UV/VIS SAC UVT Categories: , ,

The ideal sensor for

•  Detection of load changes in wastewater treat
ment plant influent
•  Detection of load changes in wastewater treat
ment plant effluent
•  Determination of organic loads in rivers and lakes
The spectral absorption coefficient/SAC at 254 nm is a sum parameter similar to COD for determination of organic loads of water. With the new sensor UV 700 IQ SAC this parameter can be detected directly without any chemicals. A reference measurement is performed for compensation of turbidity influences.

Completely integrated into the sensor, this cleaning system does entirely work without any moving parts. Thanks to the sealed housing- no axis, no seal replacement- the risk
of penetrating water does not even occur. Thereby the ultrasonic cleaning is working efficiently and maintenance-free over the whole lifetime of the sensor. Measuring even in corrosive media? No problem with this sensor. The high-tech materials Titanium and PEEK as well as the measurement windows made of sapphire glass are making the sensor particular resistant against external influences.

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