The sensor features a field replaceable, gel-filled pH electrode. The electrode’s reference is protected by a special porous PTFE ring which is impregnated with a special conductive gel. The protection ring prevents chemical or biological fouling from reaching the reference, extending the life of the combination electrode. At the end of its life, the electrode can be replaced by the user in the field without the need to return the sensor to the factory.
- Sewer monitoring
- Monitoring of streams and rivers, lakes and urban waterways
- Catchment studies and forestry management
- Water supply storages including stratification studies
- Water and wastewater treatment monitoring
- Groundwater analysis and monitoring
- Industrial process, Acid Sulphate studies
- Tidal, estuary and oceanographic monitoring
Measurement Technique: Gel-filled glass electrode with internal Ag/AgCl reference, Field Replaceable electrode
Sensor range (factory calibrated): 0–14 pH (4 mA = 0 pH, 20 mA = 14 pH)
Sensor output: Analogue 4-20 mA
Power Supply: 11-13.2V DC
Dimensions (L x OD) 364.5 mm × 47 mm (14.35″ × 1.85″)
Ordering information
PH1000L Logging sensor