High Quality Samples: – Consistently accurate samples with excellent VOC sample integrity.
Simplicity:- The controller, air compressor and flow-through cell can be easily transported by one person to any site. Hookup to the pump is by compression fittings.
Cost Savings:- Reduced need for repeat sampling and shorter time required for each sampling round. Low purge volumes ensure rapid sampling
Bladders:- Durable PFAS-free PTFE bladders are ideal for dedication. Inexpensive polyethylene is also available.
Stainless Steel: 1.66″ Ø (42 mm) and 1″ Ø (25 mm) with 316 stainless steel body.
Non-Vertical Applications: Pumps operate effectively at almost any angle and can be placed under landfills, tailings, storage tanks or contaminant plumes.
Leachate/Product Pumping: Pneumatic drive pumps are well suited for pumping contaminant liquids. Strong solvents and corrosive chemicals can be easily and economically pumpedLeachate/Product Pumping: – pneumatic drive pumps are well suited for pumping contaminant liquids. Strong solvents and corrosive chemicals are easily and economically pumped.
Survives Dry Pumping, Dirty Air and Sand: Solinst bladders are not damaged by operation in sediment laden water, or in dry pumping conditions.
Ordering Information:
108207 Model 407 SS Bladder Pump, 1″ x 2ft (1/4″ dual)
114837 Model 407 SS Bladder Pump, 1.66″ x 2ft (3/8″S & 1/4″D) Barb
Control Units come with Drive and Supply Lines
112506 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit (125psi) Mk3
112508 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit (250psi) Mk3
106009 Low Flow 407 12V Compressor (c/w battery clips)