Mini VPS – Vertical Profiling System

High Resolution Vertical Water Quality Column Measurements


The YSI Mini VPS complements the current Vertical Profiling System portfolio which includes the Pontoon, Fixed, Ocean and Drone Profilers. The Mini VPS has been designed for the shallower Waterways, Lakes and Storages, allowing for a quick deployment via a 2 point mooring system.

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YSI introduced the Vertical Profiler 15 years ago for the profiling of Water Quality parameters through the storage waters on major dams in order to provide an early warning to upset conditions approaching offtake towers that draw water for consumption.

The Vertical Profile System (VPS) has played a pivotal role in the decision-making process for the management of Algae Blooms, Turbidity Plumes and Dissolved Organic Matter concentrations in order to assist with pre-empting the water treatment process as well as understanding baseline seasonal fluctuations.


The VPS uses EXO Series Smart Sondes and Sensors. The EXO Sondes are extremely versatile, and allow the user to automatically configure a sonde with different sensors for different applications in minutes.

  • EXO1 Sonde (4 ports, optional depth sensor, and battery compartment)
  • EXO1s Sonde (4 ports, optional depth sensor, NO battery compartment)
  • EXO2 Sonde (7 ports including Central Wiper port, and battery compartment)
  • EXO2s Sonde (7 ports including Central Wiper port, NO battery compartment)
  • EXO3 Sonde (5 ports including Central Wiper port, and battery compartment)
  • EXO3s Sonde (5 ports including Central Wiper port, NO battery compartment)
  • The Mini VPS utilises Xylem’s robust automated mini winch
  • Solar powered DC system
  • Autonomous profiling range 1-20m
  • Real-time data to the Cloud
  • Secure modular design allows flexibility to add wide range of sensors
  • Safer operation – no divers required
  • Easily deployed and moored
  • Lockable canopy

Mini VPS Spec Sheet

Xylem VPS Brochure

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