QiQuac Instream & Uncertainty Analysis Calculator

For Measuring Flow in Turbulent Waterways

The Quick Instream Q(flow) & Uncertainty Analysis Calculator (QiQuac™) is a serial datalogger designed for Salt Dilution flow measurements. The user interface assists the hydrographer by presenting a graphical representation of the conductivity over time, calculating flow (Q), and estimating the associated uncertainty. This ability to employ Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) to field measurements helps to reduce costs associated with field work. This can expedite the permitting process, ensure compliance, and reduce risk associated with natural resource development.

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• Logs Serial EC, T, and EC.T data to internal SD Card.  Currently compatible with WTW330i, WTW340i, Oakton Con110, and T-HRECS.
• Calculates Q (Flow) in real time.
• Calculates Uncertainty in the field for QA/QC and Grades measurement with A, B, or C based on user preferences.
• Graphically displays pulse as it travels past probe.
• Waterproof, handsome, and durable.
• >12 hours of internal rechargeable battery life, or indefinite external battery service.

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