Hand Corer with liner

Hand Corer 2in

Intended for shallow coring in fresh, salt or brackish waters, this corer is remarkably simple to use. Merely push it into bottom sediments using handles on the head assembly. After it penetrates the bottom, twist or pull it free to retrieve your sample. In deeper water, attach a 5 – 15’ extension handle to the head. In deeper water yet, you can drop it by attaching a line to a clevis on the head.

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The hand corer works by creating a partial vacuum which holds the sample in place and helps prevent washout.

As the tube is pulled up, the polyurethane flutter valve on the head tightly seals sampler. The core catcher helps prevent wash-out from the bottom.

• 316 stainless steel head with two removable handles, screw pin clevis and polyurethane flutter valve
• Optional extension handle in three (3) lengths
• Core tube threaded both ends
• Core catcher and nosepiece help retain sample
• Case and components also available separately
• Includes: 2 nosepieces (2449-A11); 2 clear CAB liner tubes with caps; 3 Eggshell™ core catchers (2449-B13)

Ordering Information:

Hand Corer, 2” with Case* 2 liners, 2 nosepieces, 3 Eggshell™ catchers
2424-B20 508 mm (20”)
2424-B45 914 mm (36”)
2424-B55* 1219 mm (48”)
2424-B65* 1524 mm (60”)
2424-B95** 2438 mm (96”)
Corers include: head assembly; stainless steel core tube; 2 nose pieces; 2 CAB liner tubes with end caps; 3 Eggshell™ core catchers.
* 2424-B45, 2424-B55, 2424-B65, 2424-B95 have no case.
** 2425-A95 comes in two pieces with stainless steel coupling.

2424-B20 includes: (2) lexan nose pieces; (2) liner tubes and end caps; (3) Eggshell™ core catchers; head assembly; core tube; and carry case

Accessories and replacement parts:
2449-A11 Nosepiece, lexan®
2449-B13 Eggshell™ core catchers, Pack of 3
910-G10 Plastic carry case for 20” or 36” corer
2424-L12 Flutter valve for 2424-B15 head assembly
2424-D15 Head assembly for all hand corers
2447-C28 20” liners, Pack of 12
2425-E12 Extension handle, 5’
2425-E14 Extension handle, 10’
2425-E16 Extension handle, 15’
2424-L25 Hand corer head handles 6”, Pack of 2
61-B14 Cable, stainless steel, 100’
62-C15 Line, polyester braided, 100’
66-C10 Winch
66-C52 Winch mount

Core Sample Removal Tool
2448-E35 for 2 x 20” and 2 x 36” corer
2448-E55 for 2 x 48” corer

All Wildco® corers have interchangeable parts. This “building block” concept relies on the uniform use of coarse pipe thread. This thread provides an extremely reliable way to connect core tubes to sampling heads and nosepieces. While by their very nature these threads can become dirty and jam, they can be rinsed in water and used again. No pipe wrenches needed – a boon in the field.

Wildco® hand and Ogeechee™ corers are designed to be lowered on a taut line or cable into the substrate. They are not designed to be dropped because they are top-heavy and can easily tip over. While some customers tell us they obtain a good sample by a free drop on a loose line up to 20-30” (7-10 m), to accomplish this you must keep the sampler entirely in water, still and vertical when dropped. This cannot be attempted using bricks or cement blocks as weights due to the need to keep the core tube balanced and vertical.

Weight 10 kg
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