By using specially designed flights and cutting bits with tungsten carbide hardened surfaces on both the bit edges and lead auger flights, the AMS Roto-Hammer driven Flighted Augers are designed to rapidly remove most types of soils. An insert type bit is also included. The Core Sampler features a heat treated coring tip on the cylinder and threaded end cap. All attachment coupling are 5/8″ NC thread.
How to use:
Assemble the Lead Auger with a bit and Roto Hammer with the SDS Max adapter. Place at the desired angle on the soil surface, and proceed with augering. Add auger extensions and repeat until point sampling depth is reached. Raise and lower the auger to clear the hole. Assemble the Core Sampler to an extension(S) and Slide Hammer. Place assembly into the hole and mark the extension 6 inches (5.1cm) above the soil surface. Use the Slide Hammer to drive in the sampler to the mark on the extension, and then carefully remove. Disassemble, remove the liner and place a cap on each end.
Kit Includes: 2″ x 36″ quick connect auger, 2 1/2″ lead bit, 5/8″ threaded female to Quick Connect female adapter, 5/8″ threaded male to SDS Max drill adapter, three 5/8″ x 4′ extensions, 1 1/2″ x 12″ nylon brush, 1 1/2″ x 6″ soil core sampler, 5/8″ compact slide hammer, quick connect cross handle, universal slip wrench, AMS deluxe carrying case.
Ordering Information:
Quick Connect Flighted Auger Kit
209.11 2″ Hex Flighted Auger Kit
Quick Connect Flighted Auger Kit Replacement Parts and Accessories
20045 Flighted Auger 2″ x 36″ Hex Connection
20046 Flighted Auger Tip 2-1/2″ Hex Replaceable Bits
214.20 5/8″Threaded Male to SDS Max Drill Adapter
309.05 16″ QC Cross Handle
404.38 1 1/2″ x 6″ SCS Cup & Cap
405.08 1 1/2″ X 6″ Plastic Liner
408.03 5/8″ X 4′ Extension
421.29 Universal Slip Wrench
430.01 AMS Deluxe Carrying Case 1750
430.11 1 1/2″ X 12″ Nylon Brush
53265 QC Female to .625-NC Female Adapter