How it Works
The upper and lower chambers of the infiltrometer are both filled with water. The top chamber (or bubble chamber) controls the suction. The lower chamber contains a volume of water that infiltrates into the soil at a rate determined by the suction selected in the bubble chamber. The lower chamber is labeled like a graduated cylinder, with volume shown in mL. The bottom of the infiltrometer has a porous sintered stainless steel disk which will not allow water to leak in open air. The small diameter of the disk allows for undisturbed measurements on relatively levelsoil surfaces.
Once you place the infiltrometer on a soil, water begins to leave the lower chamber and infiltrate intothe soil at a rate determined by the hydraulic properties of the soil. As the water level drops, you record the volume at specific time intervals (like every 30 seconds for a silt loam soil). You can then plot this data using a spreadsheet to calculate thehydraulic conductivity.
Total Length: 32.7 cm
Diameter of tube: 3.1 cm
Sintered stainless steel disc: 4.5cm dia.,3 mm thick
Length of suction regulation tube: 10.2 cm
Suction range: 0.5 to 6cm of suction
Length of water reservoir: 21.2 cm
Length of Mariotte tube: 28cm
Volume of water required to operate: 135ml