PTFE Barrel Pump Ultra Pure

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SKU: BUR 5606- Categories: , ,

Liquid-contacting parts made of PTFE and FEP, with their chemical resistance even liquids which attack conventional materials such as PP or PVC can now be safely transferred (except for elemental fluorine). The stopcock prevents hazardous ­vapours from escaping and stops dripping.

• Rigid discharge tube with stopcock made of PTFE/Teflon®
• Screw closures for standard barrels
• Immersion depth 95 cm
• All valves made of solid PTFE
• Top quality – 2-year warranty

Ordering Information:

Barrel pump with discharge tube
5606-1000 95 mm Immersion tube length 300 ml/stroke

5600-3150 PVC barrel plug, for 40-70 mm opening diameter
5600-3170 Barrel screw joint, Mauser 2, internal coarse thread
5600-3180 Barrel screw joints, Tri-Sure®, coarse thread, internal
5600-3130 Barrel screw joint R2″, internal steel-barrel thread
5618-0100 Safety stand
5600-0081 Wall fixture

Weight 5 kg
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