For sampling liquids in narrow places where access is difficult. Can also be used in curved dipping tubes and barrels with narrow openings. Diameter only 32 mm.
• Capacity 50 ml.
• 30 mm diameter, height 180 mm.
• Weight 280 g.
• Without lowering cable.
• Screw-off upper part for easy cleaning.
How it works
The liquid continuously flows through the immersion cylinder while it is being lowered.
When it is pulled up, both the flap valves close automatically.
It can be emptied via the base valve or the upper screw-off cap.
Observe Ex-proof guidelines when sampling flammable liquids. Only use conductive lowering cables made of non-spark-producing material and conductive hand reels with grounding connection (Art. No. 5309-0020 or 5309-0030).
Ordering Information:
5365-5000 Contents 50 ml Dia. 32 mm Height 180 mm