PowerProbe Shelby Tube Samplers

Geotechnical Sampling and Testing with Direct Push

The Shelby Tube is advanced hydraulically and captures a relatively undisturbed soil sample. The Shelby Tube’s thin walls and sharp cutting edge requires little effort to push into the soil. Not recommended for drilling through gravel or hard clay.

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Shelby tube samplers consist of a one-piece, thin-walled, hollow steel tube with an open-end that has been honed to a cutting edge. The main purpose of the Shelby Tube sampler is to recover relatively undisturbed soil samples suitable for laboratory tests of engineering properties such as strength, compressibility, permeability, and density. They are very useful for collecting soils that are particularly sensitive to sampling disturbance, including fine cohesive soils and clays, provided that the soil has not been disturbed by sinking the borehole and are free from large particles.

Advantages include:
• Seamless steel tubing
• Collection of good quality, virtually undisturbed samples for lithological description and chemical analysis
• Effective in fine, cohesive soils
• 2″ samplers are ideal for use through 3 1/2″ geotechnical direct push systems (dual tube) page 95 and 2 1/4″ ID hollowstem augers
• 3″ samplers are ideal for use through 4 1/2″ ID hollowstem augers

Ordering Information
Shelby Tube Samplers
70050 2″ OD x 30″ Long “Steel” Shelby Tube Sample Barrel (Order in Boxes of 36)
70051 2″ OD x 36″ Long “Steel” Shelby Tube Sample Barrel (Order in Boxes of 36)
70070 3″ OD x 30″ Long “Steel” Shelby Tube Sample Barrel (Order in Boxes of 16)
70071 3″ OD x 36″ Long “Steel” Shelby Tube Sample Barrel (Order in Boxes of 16)

70053 2″ OD x AW Shelby Tube Head Assembly w/Ball & Roll-Pin (Order Set Screws Separately)
70054 2″ OD x AWJ Shelby Tube Head Assembly w/Ball & Roll-Pin (Order Set Screws Separately)
70073 3″ OD x AW Shelby Tube Head Assembly w/Ball & Roll-Pin (Order Set Screws Separately)
70074 3″ OD x AWJ Shelby Tube Head Assembly w/Ball & Roll-Pin (Order Set Screws Separately)

Weight 500 kg
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