PowerProbe Direct Push Prepacked Screen Wells

Meets requirements for ASTM Standard D6725 for Direct Push Installation of Prepacked Screen Monitoring Wells

The AMS PowerProbe™ is finding increasing use in the installation of groundwater monitoring wells (wells). Efficiently acquire parameters about groundwater with monitoring wells. AMS offers a variety of small diameter, prepacked screen groundwater monitoring wells (direct push wells) that are an improved option over conventionally constructed monitoring wells because they are similar, just on a smaller scale. Prepack groundwater monitoring wells are modular products designed for direct push installation.

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Technically accurate and regulatory accepted direct push wells offer a cost effective and labor-saving alternative to conventional wells. AMS direct push installation kits provide everything necessary for quick and successful installation. (A variety of installation kits are available.)

Groundwater Monitoring Application:
Groundwater Monitoring Wells 4″ ID conventional monitoring well (6″ and 8″ for remedial) use to be the standard and most popular well size. Over time, 2″ monitoring wells have gained popularity and now we see the 3/4″ prepack wells gaining acceptance.

Today, nearly all new monitoring well, pumps, sensors and measuring devises are designed to work in 3/4″ prepack wells.

Direct Push Prepacked Screen Wells
• Improved option
• More certain in function and integrity
• No-guess work

3/4″ PrePack Well Components
5007.80 3/4″ x 5’ Prepack Well Screen
5007.82 3/4″ x 5’ Schedule 40 Slotted Screen
5007.84 3/4″ x 5’ Schedule 40 Casing
5007.88 3/4″ x 10’ Schedule 40 Casing
5007.86 3/4″ Schedule 40 Male Plug
5007.87 3/4″ Schedule 40 Female Cap
5013.50 3/4″ Foam Bridge
5013.55 3/4″ Bentonite Sleeve
5013.60 3/4″ Quickseal Sleeve
5013.70 3/4″ Bentonite Sleeve & Foam Bridge
5013.65 3/4″ Quickseal Sleeve & Foam Bridge

1″ PrePack Well Components
5007.91 1″ x 5’ Prepack Well Screen
5007.92 1″ x 5’ Schedule 40 Slotted Screen
5007.94 1″ x 5’ Schedule 40 Casing
5007.78 1″ x 10’ Schedule 40 Casing
5007.97 1″ Schedule 40 Male Plug
5007.96 1″ Schedule 40 Female Cap
5013.73 1″ Foam Bridge
5013.71 1″ Bentonite Sleeve
5013.72 1″ Quickseal Sleeve
5013.74 1″ Bentonite Sleeve & Foam Bridge
5013.75 1″ Quickseal Sleeve & Foam Bridge

2″ PrePack Well Components
5007.99 2″ x 5’ Prepack Well Screen
5007.90 2″ x 5’ Schedule 40 Slotted Screen
5007.981 2″ x 5’ Schedule 40 Casing
5007.81 2″ x 10’ Schedule 40 Casing
5007.75 2″ Schedule 40 Male Plug
5007.73 2″ Schedule 40 Female Cap
5007.98 2″ Foam Bridge
5013.77 2″ Bentonite Sleeve
5013.78 2″ Quickseal Sleeve
5013.79 2″ Bentonite Sleeve & Foam Bridge
5013.80 2″ Quickseal Sleeve & Foam Bridge

Bentonite Sleeve Expansion times (example: 3/4″ model seals 2″ hole in approximately 6-12 hours).

Quick Seal Sleeve Expansion times (example: 3/4″ model seals 2″ hole in approximately 15-30 minutes).

Why are more groundwater professionals using prepacked screen groundwater monitoring wells?
• The most cost-effective method for installing long term monitoring wells.
• Available in a variety of sizes.
• Manufactured using PVC and high quality stainless steel screens to assure representative groundwater samples.
• Assures accurate placement of filter media across desired interval.
• Quick Seal and Bentonite sleeves protect the sampling environment.
• Installed through cased borehole, provides high integrity well construction and sample quality.
• Meets requirements for ASTM Standard D6725 for Direct Push Installation of Prepacked Screen Monitoring Wells.
• Meets basic EPA and RCRA construction requirements.
• DOD and EPA studies reveal no statistically significant difference between water-quality samples collected from paired prepacks and conventionally drilled wells.

Weight 100 kg
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