PowerProbe 2 1/8″ Dual Tube Sampling System

Today, dual tube sampling is the most popular method used for collecting soil samples with a PowerProbe™.

With the AMS dual tube tooling systems, both continuous and depth discrete sampling are possible. The external direct push extensions case the borehole to minimise the chance of cross contamination while displacing soils during direct push penetration. The internal direct push extensions are attached to a medical grade PVC liner which is inserted into the external direct push extension, then both are simultaneously driven into the soil to fill the liner. Finally, the internal extensions are removed to recover the sample.

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• Best used for shallow depths
• Works well for placement of 3/4″ prepack monitoring wells
• Cost-efficient collection of discrete or continuous samples
• Effective conduit for soil gas and groundwater sampling
• Lightest AMS dual tube system available
• May be used with AMS piston samplers
• Use 1 1/2″ OD liners

AMS offers a variety of external drive tips for specific soil situations:

1) Clays can present problems as they are depressurised when entering the sampler. Clay tips cut a smaller sample to allow for some expansion;

2) Oversize drive tips are used in tight formations to allow the tool string to make a larger diameter hole, enhancing penetration rate by reducing friction; and

3) Dry, sandy, or saturated soils can be kept within the sample liner with the use of a core catcher cap (G3) or other sample retainer system (G3A), allowing soil to enter the liner, but minimising the chance of losing the sample.


• Collect undisturbed, continuous sample through a cased borehole
• Increase sampling rate
• Decrease cross-contamination
• Install small-diameter monitoring wells through the same tool string
• Core catcher cap and a variety of outer drive tips available

Weight 500 kg
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