• Best used for shallow depths
• Works well for placement of 3/4″ prepack monitoring wells
• Cost-efficient collection of discrete or continuous samples
• Effective conduit for soil gas and groundwater sampling
• Lightest AMS dual tube system available
• May be used with AMS piston samplers
• Use 1 1/2″ OD liners
AMS offers a variety of external drive tips for specific soil situations:
1) Clays can present problems as they are depressurised when entering the sampler. Clay tips cut a smaller sample to allow for some expansion;
2) Oversize drive tips are used in tight formations to allow the tool string to make a larger diameter hole, enhancing penetration rate by reducing friction; and
3) Dry, sandy, or saturated soils can be kept within the sample liner with the use of a core catcher cap (G3) or other sample retainer system (G3A), allowing soil to enter the liner, but minimising the chance of losing the sample.
• Collect undisturbed, continuous sample through a cased borehole
• Increase sampling rate
• Decrease cross-contamination
• Install small-diameter monitoring wells through the same tool string
• Core catcher cap and a variety of outer drive tips available