PowerProbe 1 1/4″ Expendable Tip Injection Tooling

Expendable Tip Injection Tooling Injects below the contamination.

The injection of remediation compounds or remedial solutions has rapidly become a widely accepted approach for addressing contaminated sites. AMS injection tooling may be used with a wide variety of remedial injection compounds, as well as standard bentonite based grout mixes. The tooling may also be adapted to any injection pump system. Include the back-flow prevention check valve to eliminate back-flow or back pressure problems while injecting into the formation.

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Remediate subsurface soil and/or groundwater contaminants with the expendable tip (drop-out) injection direct push tool. This versatile tool was designed for achieving great depths, thus allowing for the construction of a complete barrier under the contaminant. The expendable tip remains at the bottom of the hole.

• Inject or grout while pulling up (bottom up). Inject or grout while pulling the tooling from total depth to surface.
• Usable with a wide variety of remedial solutions
• Highly effective at great depths
• Highly effective in loose or coarse lithology

Features include:

• Inject a variety of remedial solutions
• Adapt to any injection pump
• Use the interchangeable and versatile tips, injection adapter, and extensions with other AMS direct push tooling
• Optional injection check ball adapter prevents back flow
• Various tip options available for multiple injection purposes, including injection into sand, gravel, silt, and clay aquifers

Remediation Applications:

Contaminated soil is remediated by injecting a suitable remediation compound into the material. The remediation compound is injected into the contaminated soil through an injection tip. The remediation compound may be adjusted to adapt to varying site conditions and contaminants.

• Select the horizontal injection tool for tight lithologies. It may be used while pushing or pulling the tool string.
• Choose the retractable injection tool for swelling lithologies.
• The Mako injection tool is designed for use in coarse soils and open boreholes.
• The expendable tip injection tooling is designed for bottom up injection or grouting. Inject while pulling the tooling from total depth to surface in a loose or coarse lithology. The tip remains at the bottom of the hole.

Ordering Information:

1 1/4″ Expendable Tip Injection Tooling

5005.74 1 1/4″ x 4’ DP Extension

5004.49 1 1/4″ Expendable Tip Holder,1/2″ Hole

5005.80 1 1/4″ Pull Cap

5005.86 1 1/4″ Drive Head Adapter

5004.45 3/16″ Twist-to-Lock Connector
5004.43 1/4″ Twist-to-Lock Connector

5009.81 1 1/4″ Injection Coupler

5009.83 1 1/4″ Back-flow Prevention Check Valve

5004.83 1 1/4″ Expendable Tip O-Ring

Weight 500 kg
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