The monitor can also operate in control mode. Upper and lower control limits can be easily set directly on the display. Using the 0-5V output the Series 500 can be used to switch on or off an externally connected device, such as an ozone generator, or system in the presence of a predetermined level of gas. By selecting the optional wall-mount bracket and plugging in mains power the Series 500 is effectively able to act as a fixed monitor as well as a handheld portable device.
Other features on the Series 500 include monitor ID and location ID. Monitor ID identifies the monitor uniquely and ensures that all data from it are tied to that monitor. Location ID can be used to tag measurements to a specific location which is helpful when sampling at a number of sites over the course of a day or week.
For those wanting to recalibrate on site the Series 500 allows adjustment of zero and span. Together with the R42 Calibration Accessory and appropriate gas cylinders this function allows the sensor head to be fully recalibrated without having to return it to the factory. Alternatively the sensor head can be returned to Aeroqual for a factory calibration which includes a renewed calibration certificate.
- Environmental impact assessments
- Indoor air quality testing
- Checking air pollution “hot spots”
- Educational tool for schools
- Community air pollution monitoring
- Validating air quality models
- Health and safety compliance
- Personal exposure monitoring
Ordering Information
Series 500 Monitor
Sensor options
PM10 & PM2.5
Ammonia Sensor 0-1000ppm
Ammonia Sensor 0-100ppm
Carbon Dioxide Sensor 0-2000ppm
Carbon Dioxide Sensor 0-5000ppm
Carbon Monoxide Sensor 0-1000ppm
Carbon Monoxide Sensor 0-100ppm
Carbon Monoxide Sensor 0-25ppm
Chlorine Sensor 0-10ppm
Formaldehyde Sensor 0-10ppm
Hydrogen Sensor 0-5000ppm
Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor 0-100ppm
Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor 0-10ppm
Methane Sensor 0-10000ppm
Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor 0-1ppm
Non Methane Hydrocarbons 0-25
Ozone Sensor 0-10ppm
Ozone Sensor 0-0.5ppm
Ozone Sensor 0-0.15ppm
Ozone Sensor 0-0.05ppm
Particulate Matter Sensor PM10 / PM2.5
Perchloroethylene Sensor 0-200ppm
PID Sensor 0-2000ppm
PID Sensor 0-30ppm
Sulfur Dioxide Sensor 0-100ppm
Sulfur Dioxide Sensor 0-10ppm
VOC Sensor 0-500ppm
VOC Sensor 0-25ppm