WatchDog Plant Disease Weather Station

WatchDog Plant Disease Weather Station Measures leaf wetness, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall

Affordable enough for multiple locations, the WatchDog Disease Station provides key information on leaf wetness, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. Use with SpecWare Software (required) to create detailed reports on your PC.

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Stay ahead of devastating foliar diseases and insects. Our multichannel disease weather station can increase profits through timely decision making. The WatchDog Plant Disease Station combines convenience with a reliable package of monitoring and data logging capabilities designed to alert you to conditions that lead to disease.

The WatchDog Plant Disease Station meets all sensor requirements for SpecWare Disease Forecast Software (except Turf: Brown Patch).

WatchDog Plant Disease Station includes:
• 3684 WatchDog 450 Temperature / Relative Humidity datalogger
• 3666 Leaf Wetness Sensor
• 3663 Radiation Shield
• 3665R Tipping Bucket Rainfall Sensor.

Ordering Information:
3684PDSR Plant Disease Station with Large Tipping Rain Collector

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