Become more proactive in the fight against disease and pesky insects by adding a disease and insect forecast module to your Spec 9 Pro software. Save money by spraying only when necessary.
Quickly produce the documentation when needed to support your IPM decisions. Each package uses field-tested and validated algorithms along with the data you collect to forecast the potential for the appearance of your crop’s most notorious enemies.
Ordering Information:
Item 3656GA Grape Alert Package
Required Sensors: Leaf wetness, relative humidity and temperature
Models Included: Powdery Mildew* (Thomas-Gubler) / Black Rot* (Spotts) / Downey Mildew / Botrytis / Phomopsis Cane Leaf Spot / Insect models
Item 3656AP Apple/Pear Alert Package
Required Sensors: Leaf wetness and temperature
Models Included: Apple Scab* (Modified Mills, Cornell, Washington State) / Fire Blight (Maryblyt, Cougarblight) / Sooty Blotch/Flyspeck / Insect Models
Item 3656TU Turf Alert Package
Required Sensors: Air and soil temperature, relative humidity and rain
Models Included: Brown Patch (Schumann) / Pythium (Nutter, Schein) / Dollar Spot (Hall, Mills/Rockwell) / Insect Models
Item 3656PO Potato Alert Package
Required Sensors: Temperature, relative humidity and rain
Models Included: Early Blight / Late Blight (BliteCast) / Insect Models
Item 3656TO Tomato Alert Package
Required Sensors: Leaf wetness and temperature
Models Included: Tomcast* / Insect Models
Item 3656CH Cherry Alert Package
Required Sensors: Leaf wetness and temperature
Models Included: Leaf Spot / Insect Models
*Runs on WatchDog 2000 Series Mini Stations